Oliverio Ñañez


Oliverio is a very kind gentleman, a farmer with all his heart, he is very hospitable and dedicated and he also leads his children to farm. Together with his wife, they take care of the family business and constantly improve its quality. They pride themselves on clean, precise work and invest the money they earn either in the education of their children and grandchildren or in improving the infrastructure and processes on the farm. The farm is gradually growing, with the Ñañez family playing with planting unusual coffee varieties. 

 Growing coffee in the hills around the village of Bruselas is challenging, with the soil often slumping and becoming unstable due to heavy rainfall. Unfortunately, it happens that even part of the La Correa farm can slump into the valley with the coffee trees after a heavy rain. The family is not worried about this and continues to work with humor and a smile on their faces.




Bruselas, Huila


Finca La Correa


1750 m


9 ha


Caturra, Pink Bourbon, Colombia, Castillo, Bourbon Pimienta


„Originally, my dad lived with my mom at my paternal grandmother’s house, but to support the family, he traveled to the department of Putumayo to work as a laborer. He used to get hired for coca cultivation work. The work was good, and after a few months he told my mother to go and see him and us, we were three siblings at the time. Eight days after my mother moved with us, the government started persecuting people who were growing coca and the bombing started. My mother ran away with us and hid us from the planes that were dropping bombs, so she quickly decided to come back to Huila with us, and that’s when my dad bought a quarter of an acre from one of his brothers and started growing coffee on it. Step by step he bought small plots of land, and gradually in this way he bought from five different owners about 9 hectares of land on which we have coffee and 2 hectares of nature reserve.“

„Thanks to the natural conditions and the quality of the soil, which is rich in nutrients, our coffee is characterized by its delicacy.“

„Since then we have been working with choice coffee, we have made a good name for ourselves with our results, we have coffee that has won awards for its quality. Thanks to the natural conditions and the quality of the soil, which is rich in nutrients, our coffee is characterized by its smoothness and balance with notes of citrus and flowers with medium acidity. Thanks to coffee, we can live in peace and have a relatively good life, even though the work on the farm is far from easy and simple.“- Marisol, daughter of Oliverio, one of our favourite farmers.


We have been working with Oliverio for several seasons now and we are gradually deepening our cooperation. We especially appreciate his classic washed coffees.

CO-24-039 Oliverio Ñañez

Our lot is of the Caturra, Colombia variety, which Oliverio harvests twice a year and processes using the traditional washed method. We’ve been buying it from him since the company was founded (in 2020) and each time we’ve been blown away by its delicate, almost floral flavour. After harvesting the cherries, Oliverio lets the coffee „rest“ in a tolba (a hopper in a wet mill for processing cherries), and after 12 hours he de-skins the cherries and puts them in bags. Here the coffee beans ferment in bags for 40 hours, after which the coffee cherries are washed and dried again. Drying takes place for 12 to 20 days in drying rooms on the roof of the farm using the powerful sun.